Que Pasa March 29, 2017

Dear Parents,

As we enter the fourth week of Lent let’s pray: My Savior do you invite me to share in the glory of the resurrection?

Please stay with me as I struggle to see how accepting the crosses of my life will free me from the power of the one who wants only to destroy my love and trust in you. Help me to be humble and accepting like your son, Jesus. I want to turn to you with the same trust he had in your love. Save me, Lord. Only you can save me. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Thank you to Mrs. Gonzalez, Mrs. Jimenez, Mrs. Freznosa, Ms. Avila, Mrs. Marissa Gonzalez and the Madrinas group for the wonderful Family Mass and Reception.

A reminder that you re-registration forms were due on March 15th to reserve your space with a $100 deposit. Remaining balance is due April 14th.


March:  Unite

I will respect everyone in the St. Peter’s “family” including parents, teachers, staff, and other students.  I understand I am still growing even from my mistakes.


A St. Peter’s student will comprehend and communicate effectively through reading, writing, speaking, and listening.


You are cordially invited to attend St. Peter's very own First Annual STEM Fair! Students have been hard at work for the last few months developing, creating, and evaluating their very own Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics projects. Now we are excited to have you come and experience the fruit of all of this hard work! Whether you would like to come for a few minutes or stay throughout the day, the event promises to be fun-filled with over 30 unique, student-curated experiences. The event will be hosted in the gymnasium and parish hall building and will be held on Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM. We hope you can make it...and bring a friend!


Every day during Lent there will Mass at St. Peter’s Church at 6:00 PM. On Friday’s there will be Stations of the Cross at 5:30 PM before Mass.


The application process for applying for the Archdiocese Family Grant for 2017-2018 is now accepting applications for next school year (August, 2017-May, 2018). Please go on to mytads.com and select 2017-2018 and be sure you have your 2016 income tax information or 2016 income information (calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.)


Renewal Families will be filling out their Basic Fund Renewal Application in March, 2017. All student accounts need to be current with no past due balances. Please be sure you have your 2016 income tax information or 2016 income information (calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.) For questions, please contact our office.


In our efforts to get all students to school on time, we will continue to give rewards for the children that are not late to school. If your child has no tardies during the month of March, he/she can have a free dress on April 11th.


The application for the 2017-2018 school year is available for new students.  Please encourage friends, family, and co-workers to stop by the school for a tour and to pick up an application. Student Shadow Days:  Students in Grades 1-7 can spend a day at St. Peter’s to meet teachers and students.  Any day of the week is available, Monday-Friday. Call the office at (415) 647-8662 to arrange a shadow date. If you have a new Kindergartener or know someone who is interested, please call the office to register for the next Morning in Kindergarten on April 3rd.


Kaleah Roca K                             Michelle Chavero 5th

Valentino Hernandez 2nd            Tattyana Montenegro 6A

Kerry Trejo 3rd                             Johnny Gallegos 6B


In K – This week students will learn how to write a story that has a beginning, a middle and an end.

In 2nd – This week second-grade will be learning about adjectives, why myths are important, counting with coins and bills, discovering what can we make tea with on the school yard, good deeds that we can do for families during the Lenten season, cities/states/continents and capitals.

In 5th – In Religion, we are examining the important role that the Eucharist plays in our faith life.  We also continue to say a special prayer each day in this season of Lent.  In English class, we will practice our writing skills as we take on the perspective of a colonist during the American Revolution and write journals and speeches from a colonist's point of view.


Social Studies – 6th Grade Social Studies is studying Ancient Hebrews and comparing Judaism to Christianity.

7th Grade Social Studies is wrapping up their Renaissance projects and will move on soon to the Early Americans.

8th Grade Social Studies is beginning Quarter 4 with Texan Independence and the Mexican American War.

Science – 6: Students are exploring different types of climates around the world! 7: Students are preparing for their new presentation project on organ systems! 8: Students are continuing to learn about gravity for the purpose of preparing themselves for their next and final project.


April 3rd                     Morning In K 10:00 AM

April 4th                     STEM Fair 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM

April 5th                     Lenten Mass 8:30 AM

April 11th                     Free Dress No Tardies (March)

April 12th                    Lenten Mass 8:30 AM

April 13th                    Minimum Day – Holy Thursday

                                    Prayer Service 8:30 AM

April 14th                    No School – Good Friday

April 16th                    Easter Sunday

April 17th -21st            Easter Vacation